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Terry Moore  -  Professional Underwater Photographer

A Little History...From the beginning!


I took my first underwater picture in 1983 with an old Hanimex 110 film camera. The results were not good at all. But it triggered a love of capturing images of the things I saw underwater in a profound way. 10 years later I borrowed the Armys Nikonos IV Underwater camera system and managed to capture some good images sealing my fate, to feed my need to take more underwater images. Later I would work on Australia's Great Barrier Reef  & Coral Sea diving almost every day with a camera in hand. I shot hundreds of hours of video and thousands of images back in the day where High 8 and Mini DV video ruled and film was still the only underwater photography medium to shoot with. As an instructor I taught divers how to shoot and at the same time became a better photographer. In 2001 I was working in the British Virgin Islands as a UW Photo shop manager and started shooting with one of the first Digital Point & Shoot Cameras on the market  around that time. It was a little Canon Elph 1.3MP I think. Anyways I was amazed at the images I captured and loved the instant gratification I got when reviewing the images I just shot. My love affair with Underwater Photographer changed my life. I shot the life out of that poor little Canon Elph and upgraded to a Ikelite housed Canon G1 3.3 PM digital Camera. Over a period of 4 years I learn't all that I could learn from Point and shoot cameras with or without strobes and other attachments before I took the plunge and upgraded to my first Aquatica housed SLR System. Though the Canon 20D was not top of the line back in 2006 It did serve my needs and provided me with countless amazing shots. In 2009 I upgraded to another Aquatica housing with all the bells and whistles to house Canons amazing 21MP 1Ds Mark III SLR camera. (A system at that time, cost as much as a new Truck) The quality of images compared to the 20D was like night and day and my images now are represented in all the leading image Stock Agencies such as Getty's & Corbis to name a couple of the big ones. My Image library exceeds 250,000 images.  I still shoot as a professional today and I bring to you decades of experience when teaching you all you need to know about how to shoot underwater. If you want to see more of the images I have shot check out my website stick to the landing page to see more than 200 of my favorite images, or explore the 12,000 other images I have there.


No matter what your skill level, no matter what your system is I can elevate not just your underwater photography but above water photography to a whole new level. Below is a broad list of services I can offer you. Prices are dependent on many variables so they are not listed. If your curious and need help to be a better photographer contact me via the contact page.

Super Macro

For serious photographers who want amazing details of the smallest of small critters. Learn about extensions and diopters and specialty lenses. Must have advanced diving skills to do this right! More Info...

Super Wide Angle

What more? Images you take are not wide enough? Learn how to shoot super wide to include split level shots. There's more to it than just point and shooting if you are after amazing results


Everyone loves Macro Photography. Whether you shoot 1:1 or 1:2. Macro photography allows you to capture stunning images of those creatures most divers do not see. Bring out vivid details of whatever your shooting and learn how to protect the environment and you from poor photo techniques. More Info...

Wide Angle

The most common form of underwater photography. Learn how to take advantage of your cameras capabilities and shooting techniques so you take home awesome images of your upcoming dive trip.

Advanced Lighting

In the world of underwater photography there are many experts. Sadly few understand advanced strobe photography. Practically all will shoot the same image the same way. Want to take your underwater photography way beyond the first level?

Point & Shoot to SLR?

Nothing is more daunting than taking the leap from a point & shoot underwater system to a underwater SLR system. It changes the way you shoot and changes you as a diver. Lots of details to cover to make you make the transition successfully

Trip Tune Up

Got a new system? Upgraded from Point & Shoot to SLR or haven't dived in awhile and your off to some far flung awesome diving destination? Contact me for this great tune up!

Care & Maintenance

With more than 25 years experience as an underwater photographer that has shot and filmed everything from film high 8 video up to advanced underwater photography & video systems. I have never flooded a camera. Want to know my preparation secrets and comprehensive diving techniques?

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